Teaser visual voor mijn eindexamen film "The Space Between Us"
Nederlandse Filmacademie lichting 2015 IMVFX
1983: An atomic war has polluted the air and raised sea level to such height it reached the mountaintops. Mankind tries to survive with oxygen masks, breathing from tanks on their backs. High up in those mountains theyve build a research centre in search of gills suited for mankind. So man can have a new start, a new life under water.
They soon found out that they needed a gill different from species known to man. They had to find the most human-like creature of the sea: a merman, or perhaps more something like a sea ape. Scientific theories about these sea apes however, were not much different from the fantasies or fairytales about the mermans. In the end, it was accepted that this sort of beast could never be found.
One day, when all hope seemed to be lost, the Adam is brought inside: the savior of mankind.
10 jaar geleden geplaatst
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